
Worldwide Enterprises, Inc. is a premier distributor of wire ropes, stainless steel cables, and marine mooring anchors. As a long-term legacy customer, we originally built a static website for them in 2008, which we updated in 2015. In late 2023, we redesigned their website as part of our SEO Digital Marketing program. Collaborating closely with the Worldwide Enterprises team, we identified their target customers and researched effective keyword phrases to unlock new business opportunities.

The Result

Since launching the new site in late 2023, organic traffic has surged by 25%, and both contact inquiry forms and phone calls from the Ads have doubled each month. The ongoing SEO strategy has led to continuous growth in website traffic, marking the redesign as a significant success. We remain committed to working with Worldwide Enterprises to monitor traffic and keyword performance, adjusting content and keywords as necessary to ensure they stay ahead of the competition.

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